Are you Looking to Buy Janumet (Sitagliptin/Metformin) from PrescriptionPoint.

(Top Brand Option)

Buy Brand Janumet

Prescription Prescription Required
Formulation : Tablet
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Janumet 50/1000mg 56 $43.95 Add To Cart
Janumet 50/850mg 56 $71.95 Add To Cart
Janumet 50/500mg 56 $51.00 Add To Cart
Janumet 50/500mg 60 $158.00 Add To Cart
Janumet 50/1000mg 112 $70.90 Add To Cart
Janumet 50/850mg 112 $119.90 Add To Cart
Janumet 50/1000mg 168 $98.95 Add To Cart
Janumet 50/850mg 168 $173.95 Add To Cart
Janumet 50/500mg 168 $122.30 Add To Cart
Dosage: 50/1000mg
Quantity: 56
Price: $43.95
Dosage: 50/850mg
Quantity: 56
Price: $71.95
Dosage: 50/500mg
Quantity: 56
Price: $51.00
Dosage: 50/500mg
Quantity: 60
Price: $158.00
Dosage: 50/1000mg
Quantity: 112
Price: $70.90
Dosage: 50/850mg
Quantity: 112
Price: $119.90
Dosage: 50/1000mg
Quantity: 168
Price: $98.95
Dosage: 50/850mg
Quantity: 168
Price: $173.95
Dosage: 50/500mg
Quantity: 168
Price: $122.30

(Affordable Generic Options)

Buy Generic Sitagliptin/Metformin

Prescription Prescription Required
Formulation : Tablet
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Sitagliptin/Metformin 50/500mg 60 $150.00 Add To Cart
Sitagliptin/Metformin 50/850mg 60 $155.00 Add To Cart
Sitagliptin/Metformin 50/1000mg 90 $161.00 Add To Cart
Dosage: 50/500mg
Quantity: 60
Price: $150.00
Dosage: 50/850mg
Quantity: 60
Price: $155.00
Dosage: 50/1000mg
Quantity: 90
Price: $161.00

The Janumet medication above is manufactured by Merck Sharp & Dohme.

In the US, Customers can order Janumet online , or as the generic alternative, Sitagliptin/Metformin as well as many more quality medications from Our online pharmacy allows you to purchase medication 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Thank you for choosing Our products are guaranteed delivered through timely, reliable, and safe shipping. It takes approximately 2 to 4 weeks from the day you order it to arrive at your house. All orders placed on our SSL (Secure Socket Layer) secured website are backed by the BuySAFE security seal which offers a third-party guarantee of your purchase, and $10,000 in identity theft protection. proudly displays its CIPA (Canadian International Pharmacy Association) seal to signal that we conform to nothing but the highest standards for quality. Our CIPA affiliate pharmacies are recognized globally as the first choice in prescription and non-prescription medicine. guarantees the best price for Janumet and will beat any other price found on a CIPA certified website for the same drug by 5 dollars.

A prescription must be provided for Janumet as with all prescription medicine here at The customer must fax a copy of their prescription and following that the customer must mail the actual original prescription to No exceptions.

If you have any questions regarding medication or basic inquires about you can contact us by mail, phone or internet. If you wish to speak to a representative be sure to call our toll free number 1-877-244-0431 from Monday to Friday from 6am to 6pm and Saturdays from 7am to 4pm.

Janumet is a medication used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes and is not insulin dependent. Do not use Janumet to treat patients with type 1 diabetes. This medication is normally prescribed with diet and exercise.

Store at room temperature. Keep away from open flames, high heat, light, moisture, children and pets.

Before taking Janumet, inform your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding; are taking prescription or over the counter medication, herbal preparation, or dietary supplements; if you have any allergies to drugs; if you have liver or kidney disease, a history of heart disease, or if you are over 80 years old and have not recently had a kidney function test.

Patients using Janumet should avoid alcohol consumption. Also, you may need to temporarily stop taking the medication if you need to take an x-ray or CT scan where you will need a dye to inject into a vein. Some patients taking Janumet have developed lactic acidosis, a life threatening condition with symptoms including muscle pain or weakness, trouble breathing, stomach pain, dizziness, slow or uneven heart rate, nausea with vomiting, felling very weak or tired, or numb or cold feeling in your arms and legs.

Read the directions on the prescription label. Do not take larger or more frequent doses than prescribed by your doctor. Take this medication as directed on the label or by your pharmacist, doctor, or other healthcare provider. Take this medication twice a day with meals. Make sure your prescription gets refilled before your medication runs out completely. You will need regular blood and kidney function tests to ensure that Janumet is helping your condition. It is important not to miss any schedule appointments with your doctor. If you become sick or injured, have a serious infection, or need to have surgery, your doctor will change or stop your medication for a short period of time. While taking Janumet, your doctor may tell you to take extra vitamin B12. Only take the prescribed amount of vitamin B12. When taking Janumet, try not to let your blood sugar get too low by skipping a meal, exercise too long, drink alcohol, or are under stress. You may notice signs of hypoglycemia when you

Do not use Janumet if you are allergic to metformin or sitagliptin, have kidney disease, or in a state of diabetic ketoacidosis.

Severe: Swelling or rapid weight gain; fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms; a severe blister, peeling, and red skin rash; feeling short of breath, even with mild exertion.

Common: Headache, weakness; runny or stuffy nose, sore throat; or mild nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, gas, or vomiting.

Other: None.

Additional information

Brand Name:


Scientific Name:


Other Names:

Istamet, Janumet, Sitagliptin/Metformin


50/500mg, 50/850mg, 50/1000mg

Quantities Available:

56, 60, 90, 112, 168


Film Coated Tablet, Tablet

The information above is provided by third parties to for Janumet (Sitagliptin/Metformin). This information is for general purposes only and is not intended to replace a physician's advice. Always consult with your doctor or a qualified health care professional if you need advice on any medical concerns.