Do online pharmacies carry Lupron Depot-Ped?

Lupron Depot (leuprolide) is used to treat advanced prostate cancer in men and endometriosis, premature puberty, or uterine fibroids in women. Unfortunately, verified online pharmacies on do not currently list prices for Lupron Depot-Ped, the pediatric formulation of Lupron Depot.
Lupron Depot-Ped is typically provided in a doctor's office and generally available through a specialty pharmacy, as required by most insurance carriers. This medication is administered by your healthcare practitioner. There are a few ways that you may be able to find savings for Lupron Depot-Ped, a very expensive medication.
The average cash price for Lupron Depot-Ped, one pre-filled syringe, is about $15,911.97 but patients should not have to pay more $8,558.01, according to GoodRx.
Sometimes the cost is covered by an insurance company, government, or non-profit organization. If you are uninsured or need help with your co-pay, the manufacturer may also help.
More information about patient assistance programs can be found using See Lupron Depot-Ped Patient Assistance Program. Click on Lupron Depot-Ped patient support to find information about this medication and a prescription savings card offered through AbbVie, the pharmaceutical company that distributes Lupron Depot-Ped.
Lupron Depot-Ped sold in the United States is manufactured in Japan by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company for AbbVie Inc.