My PharmacyChecker

Using My PharmacyChecker, you can create an account to easily participate in our free subscription services. Patients do not need to register or sign-up with My PharmacyChecker to make use of our drug price comparisons and pharmacy verification information. The My PharmacyChecker subscription services are detailed below. Ask PharmacyChecker allows consumers to ask PharmacyChecker experts questions regarding ordering medication online. Price Alerts help consumers get custom price updates on medications you take. The PharmacyChecker Newsletter sends exclusive savings tips and tricks as well as important news relating to drug prices straight to your inbox. PharmacyChecker Consumer Ratings and Comments allows users to rate and comment on your experience with a PharmacyChecker-accredited online pharmacy.

Ask PharmacyChecker

Ask PharmacyChecker gives you the opportunity to ask us a question about online pharmacies, prescription savings, drug importation, and related issues.

To Ask PharmacyChecker a question or read answers to other questions, go to the Ask PharmacyChecker Page.

Price Alerts

Price Alerts allow consumers to sign up for email updates from PharmacyChecker alerting you of the latest prices for your chosen medications either monthly or every 90 days.

Search for your medication on and sign up for Price Alerts on the price comparison pages.


This is a free email newsletter alerting you of important news regarding online pharmacies, drug prices, and personal drug importation — issues that affect your savings on prescription drugs.

Sign up for the PharmacyChecker Newsletter

Consumer Ratings and Comments

Using Consumer Ratings and Comments, you can rate and comment on a PharmacyChecker-accredited online pharmacy with which you have experience. To rate and comment about an online pharmacy that you have used, you’ll need to go to their profile on the Accredited Online Pharmacies page.