Dispenses From Pharmacies In: has evaluated pharmacies in the countries identified here.

Click here for more about countries.

Company Name
Type of Site
International Online Pharmacy
Year Founded
Products Sold
Range of Prescription Drugs:

Full Range
More than 500 medications

Semi-Full Range
100-499 medications

Popular Only
1-99 top selling drugs only

Medications specifically for issues such as hair loss, skin care, herpes, sexual dysfunction, weight loss, smoking cessation, and/or pain relief.

Other Pharmacy Products:

OTC: Over-the-Counter

V&S: Vitamins and Supplements(and herbal)

Dx: Testing Supplies

Pet: Pet medications

Verified Dispensing Pharmacies
India - At the request of, we are not publishing the pharmacy name and license number of their dispensing pharmacy in India.
Licensed by: Indian Food and Drug Administration, Delhi
Canada - At the request of, we are not publishing the pharmacy name and license number of their dispensing pharmacy in Canada.
Licensed by: College of Pharmacists of Manitoba
United Kingdom - At the request of, we are not publishing the pharmacy name and license number of their dispensing pharmacy in United Kingdom.
Licensed by: The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC)
US - At the request of, we are not publishing the pharmacy name and license number of their dispensing pharmacy in US.
Licensed by: Florida Board of Pharmacy
Australia - At the request of, we are not publishing the pharmacy name and license number of their dispensing pharmacy in Australia.
Licensed by: Therapeutics Goods Administration
Mauritius - At the request of, we are not publishing the pharmacy name and license number of their dispensing pharmacy in Mauritius.
Licensed by: Ministry Of Health And Quality Of Life, Mauritius
Turkey - At the request of, we are not publishing the pharmacy name and license number of their dispensing pharmacy in Turkey.
Licensed by: Turkish Ministry of Health